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Review: Blue Lounge at Lisbon Airport

Blue Lounge in Lisbon
The decoration in Blue Lounge is simple and a little outdated. The best thing is that the lounge is really peaceful.

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Blue Lounge in Lisbon Airport is open to everyone. It is maintained by a ground-handling company. We visited the lounge before our flight to Amsterdam. Read the review and know why we didn't like this lounge.

Blue Lounge

Blue Lounge is the other Priority Pass Lounge in Terminal 1 of Lisbon Airport. The lounge is in the Schengen area even though some lounge-related websites have false information. It serves business class passengers of many airlines and in addition Diners Club, Lounge Club, LoungeKey, Priority Pass and DragonPass members.

Finding Blue Lounge in the Terminal 1

Blue Lounge is located in the security area of Terminal 1. It is before the passport control so the lounge is inside the Schengen area. This means that even departing non-Schengen passengers can access the lounge but they need to reserve a little extra time to clear the immigration while heading from the lounge to the departure gate. Passengers transiting from a non-Schengen to a non-Schengen destination can't use this lounge.

The lounge is on the departure level (5th floor) near the Gates 7-12. Unlike Lounge ANA, this lounge is not located in the central square of the Terminal 1.

Directional signs to Blue Lounge
Blue Lounge is easy to find. Just follow the signs to Gates 7-13 and you will reach Blue Lounge.

After the security check, you need to follow the signs to the Gates 7-13. The lounge will be on the left side when you arrive at the Gates 7-13 area. The lounge is marked with tall posters.

The entrance to Blue Lounge
The entrance of Blue Lounge is well marked. It can't be missed.

Who Can Access Blue Lounge?

Blue lounge accepts the following lounge memberships: Priority Pass, Diners Club, Lounge Club, LoungeKey and DragonPass. Also, the premium customers of many airlines may visit the lounge. Provided, that there is an invitation from the airline.

Single Entry Lounge Pass

It is possible to buy a single entry Lounge Pass to Blue Lounge. That is the way we accessed the lounge this time. You need to head to Lounge Pass> website where you can book a single visit to Blue Lounge. The price is about 27 euros per guest. The pass can be cancelled free of charge in the case of a change in travel plans. LoungeBuddy is another similar service that sells passes to Blue Lounge but LoungeBuddy accepts only American Express payments.

A guest may also pay the entrance fee at the counter. However, a pre-booking guarantees entry even during the lounge's busy hours.

Our Visit to Blue Lounge

We visited Blue Lounge on a Saturday in February 2020. We were connecting from Terceira, Portugal to Amsterdam and we had a 3-hour layover in Lisbon. After landing in Lisbon, we did duty-free shopping first and then we headed to Blue Lounge.

The lounge was very easy to find. Walking to the lounge took only about 10 minutes from our arrival gate. We had made a pre-booking via Lounge Pass. The receptionist checked our booking fast and soon we were inside the lounge.

We spent 2 hours in the lounge. After which, we proceeded to our Schengen Area departure gate. It took only a few minutes to reach the said gate from the lounge.


Blue Lounge is divided into two parts. From the reception, you can turn left or right and there are similar rooms on both sides. During our visit, both the rooms were almost empty.

Friendliness of the Customer Service

The customer service was friendly. The male receptionist checked our mobile Lounge Passes quickly. The lounge also had cleaners and kitchen staff who worked efficiently in the background.

The customer service in the lounge was efficient and discreet.

Easiness to Access the Lounge

The lounge is easy to find. It accepts almost all existing lounge membership cards and also direct payment at the counter. Because the lounge is in the Schengen area, it is possible to access it both for Schengen and non-Schengen flights.

This lounge is accessible almost for everyone!

Food and Drinks

The food selection in the lounge was a huge disappointment. The lounge offered only chips, cookies, croissants, chocolate cakes and bread. There was neither salad nor warm food. Only unhealthy, light snacks!

Complimentary food in Blue Lounge
Unfortunately, the catering table in Blue Lounge is really simple and missing many food items you usually expect in an airport lounge.

Luckily, the drink selection was better. There were juices, wine and soft drinks in a self-service fridge. Also, beer and a few spirit options were available. A coffee machine served special coffees.

A coffee machine in Blue Lounge
Like every lounge, also Blue Lounge offers coffee from this special coffee machine.


The lounge has a spacious toilet but no showers. A toilet is practical to be inside a lounge.

The decoration needs improvements. The premises are not comfortable even though there are decorative photos on the wall and a few plants. There are no windows anywhere and the lighting is poor.

A flight information screen in Blue Lounge
Flight information screen is in the corner of the lounge.

The lounge has free well-working Wi-Fi. There was also a publicly accessible computer on a dirty table. It looked like it had been there already 15 years, so outdated it was. The lounge does not have free sockets for charging devices but there was a TV a flight information screen and a few magazines.

A computer table in Blue Lounge
There is also a 'business centre' in Blue Lounge where you'll find a dirty table with an old computer.

Overall Rating

This lounge is not especially good. Lounge ANA in the same terminal is much better and more comfortable. The best thing about Blue Lounge is that it is often unoccupied. If you are just looking for a peaceful environment with a few drinks, Blue Lounge is your choice.

A catering table in Blue Lounge
Blue Lounge serves mainly sweet and unhealthy snacks. No salad or warm meal was available during our visit.

Bottom Line

Lisbon Airport's Terminal 1 has two Priority Pass Lounges. According to our experiences, Lounge ANA is much better. Both the lounges are well-located.

Have you been to any of Lisbon Airport's lounges? We would like to hear about your experiences. Comment below!

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Destination: Portugal

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