Finnoy Travel - Travel Stories and Reviews

Common Questions

When was m/s MyStar built? 
The ferry was built in 2022.
What services does MyStar offer 
There are cafes, bars, restaurants, shops and much more on board.
Can I take a car on MyStar? 
Yes, you can.
Is there a sauna on MyStar? 
Yes, there is.
Is there a buffet on MyStar? 
Yes, there is a Delight Buffet.
Are the many shops on MyStar? 
There is a big Superstore selling clothes, cosmetics sweets and alcohol. There is also a smaller store in the lobby.
Where to book a ticket to MyStar? 
We recommend booking on Ferryscanner.
Is there a sundeck on MyStar? 
Yes, there is. The outer deck is comfortable only in the summertime.

Review: Our Cruising Experience on Tallink m/s MyStar

tables on m/s MyStar
The ferry m/s MyStar had plenty of comfortable cafes and bars.

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We embarked on a cruise aboard m/s MyStar. In the article, we share our firsthand experiences, highlighting the services, amenities, and views that await us on this journey. From the delectable dining options to the Superstore, every aspect of the ferry was well-designed. The article also includes our rating of the ferry, If you're seeking a short but pleasant journey on the Baltic Sea, we recommend considering a trip with MyStar for your next cruise. Read more details from the article.

Helsinki - Tallinn Ferry Route

Tallinn is only 80 kilometres away from Helsinki which makes it a popular day trip destination for Finns and Finnish residents. The sail over the Baltic Sea takes only a few hours so you can easily travel to Tallinn and back to Helsinki on the same day. In addition to the continuous flow of passengers, a lot of cargo is transported between the cities every day. For travellers, the Helsinki-Tallinn route is a practical link between Finland and the Baltics.

There are several ferry companies to choose between in order to sail from Helsinki to Tallinn. Tallink is one of them. In this article, we'll be focusing on the newest addition to the Tallink's fleet, LNG-operated m/s MyStar. MyStar is a state-of-the-art ferry that offers a comfortable and enjoyable journey for passengers. With its spacious and fresh design, MyStar can accommodate almost 3000 passengers, making it an ideal choice for both travellers and commuters.

Our MyStar Experience

We visit Tallinn often but this time, we only wanted to try the newest ferry. So we booked a cruise from Helsinki to Tallinn with an immediate return. We planned to enjoy a delicious buffet on board and explore the ferry's amenities.

It is common for Finns to have a cruise without leaving the ship in Tallinn. There is a lot to do onboard: For example, You can enjoy food, grab a drink and do shopping in the ship's superstore. And in the summer when the weather is good, it is a pleasure to enjoy the fresh sea air on the outer deck while sipping your favourite drink.

MyStar departed at 4.30 pm from Helsinki and returned at 9.30 pm on the same day. We boarded the ferry 30 minutes earlier because our prebooked buffet started already at 4 pm.

Delight Buffet Entry
We had booked the Delight Buffet which opened at 4 pm.

The Newest Ferry from Helsinki to Tallinn

MyStar is the newest ferry between Helsinki and Tallinn. It is a modernised version of the older m/s Megastar. The ferry was manufactured in Finland so it is a true Finnish ship even though it is operated by an Estonian ferry company, Tallink. The ferry produces less pollution because it is run by LNG, a natural gas.

Estonia flag on MyStar
Tallink is an Estonian company and Tallinn is the home harbour of MyStar.

The sailing time between Helsinki and Tallinn is 2 hours one way. This makes MyStar almost the fastest ferry between the capitals.


Upon boarding MyStar, we were captivated by the modern premises. The spacious and bright design of the ferry was easily seen. The large windows allowed an abundance of natural light to flood in, creating an airy and open atmosphere. Compared to older ferries, the MyStar had fewer walls, giving it an even more expansive feel.

Decks 3, 5 and 6 were reserved for cargo and cars. Decks 7, 8 and 9 were for services like stores, pubs and restaurants. At Deck 10, you could find cabins and the sundeck was also there.

Cabin corridor of MyStar
The cabins of MyStar are situated at Deck 10. A cabin is not necessary for a short hop, but you can book yourself space to rest for a small fee.

Since the travel time is short, not many passengers book cabins on this route. That is why there is only one deck for accommodation.


We found 4 restaurants on MyStar:

  • Delight Buffet
  • Chef's Kitchen
  • Fast Lane
  • Burger King

We had prebooked a fully inclusive buffet meal at the Delight Buffet which gave good value for the money. The buffet included a wide variety of options, such as salads, warm meals, desserts, drinks, wine, beer, and coffee/tea. Located on the bow of the ship, the restaurant provided stunning views of the sea.

The salad table alone was a feast for the eyes, with a plethora of items that left little room for the main courses and desserts. The warm meal selection was more limited, but it still offered ample choices. As for desserts, you could choose from ice creams, strawberries, fruits, cakes, and mousses. According to our experiences, you can always trust the quality that Tallink's restaurants provide. There were staff constantly filling the trays promptly.

Salad buffet
The salad buffet was excellent having so many choices that it would have been enough to get a stomach full.
Hot buffet
The hot buffet included lasagne, beef, potatoes and a few other choices.

In addition to the delightful food, the buffet also covered coffee, tea, soft drinks, juices, wine, and beer. For those seeking other beverage options, there were additional choices available at an extra cost. With the buffet lasting a generous two hours, there was ample time to savour both the delicious food and the refreshing drinks. Overall, Delight Buffet on MyStar provided a perfect dining experience.

Buffet included different drink choices like juices from the tap, soft drinks, milk, tea and coffee.
Alcoholic drinks
Also beer and wine were complimentary.

We think that Delight Buffet was an excellent choice because it was affordable and had a wide selection. We advise travellers to book the buffet together with the ticket to secure their spot, especially on busy days.

Tables were simple but comfortable. Since the restaurant was not full on a weekday cruise, travellers had chosen window seats.

Next to Delight Buffet, there was Chef's Kitchen. It was the ship's fine dining option for those who wished to order the best food from the menu. A la carte dining is more romantic and a good option when evenings are getting darker.

For budget travellers or for those not seeking a big meal, the ferry had Fast Lane restaurant. Fast Lane is an affordable place to have a quick meal. We have tried the Fast Lane restaurants on other Tallink's ferries and they have always served tasty warm meals for decent prices. Fast Lane restaurants are self-service. You select food and drinks yourself and pay for them at the cashier.

Fast Lane Restaurant
The ferry had a Fast Lane restaurant serving cheaper food as self-service.
Fast Lane Restaurant
The dining area of Fast Lane was bright and quiet.

Surprisingly, the famous fast-food chain Burger King had its branch at MyStar. Burger King is a popular choice for young travellers and families.

Burger King on MyStar
Burker King is a safe and affordable choice on MyStar.


MyStar had 4 bars and pubs:

  • Garden Bar
  • Sea Pub
  • Nordic Bar
  • Aperitif Bar

All of the MyStar pubs were conveniently located along the same corridor on Deck 8, providing easy access. While they shared a similar aesthetic, each pub had its unique touches in terms of decoration. However, Garden Bar stood out from the rest due to its location outside, adorned with lush green plants. Despite being outdoors, the clever design ensured that it was sheltered from the wind, making it the perfect spot to savour refreshing drinks during the summer months. Situated at the rear of the ferry, Garden Bar boasted breathtaking views that added to its allure.

Sea Pub and Nordic Bar were close to each other inside the ferry. Aperitif Bar was meant for people who planned to eat in Chef's Kitchen and enjoy a drink or two before the meal.

Garden Bar
Garden Bar is outside in the rear of the ship covered with glass walls and ceilings. Outside air, sunlight and plant decors make a lush impression.
Garden Bar
Garden Bar served mainly drinks.

We are used to the ferries providing complimentary entertainment, so we were taken aback when we discovered that MyStar did not offer any onboard entertainment during this cruise. Perhaps, there is a variation in their offerings on weekends.

Nordic Bar
In Nordic bar, you can taste the most common Nordic drinks.
Sea Pub
Sea Pub was next to Nordic Bar. We expect there to be live music now and then.

Food and alcoholic drinks still play a big role on the ferry routes between Finland and Estonia. People go to relax onboard. However, if you do not like drinking, MyStar has also a sauna for more healthy relaxation.

Sea Pub
Sea Pub did not look like a traditional pub but it was more suitable for the whole family.
Special chairs in Sea Pub
These special chairs in Sea Pub bring more intimacy for a few customers.


In addition to cosy bars and high-quality restaurants, MyStar had also cafes:

  • Family Picnic
  • Cafe
  • Coffee & Co. Lounge

All the cafes were located on Deck 7. Since the cafes serve alcoholic drinks, it is difficult to define if a place is called a cafe, bar or pub. Perhaps the difference is, that the cafes had more non-alcoholic options and the atmosphere was more suitable for children.

Starbucks machine
MyStar had also a self-service Starbucks for coffee lovers.
Family Picnic
Family Picnic is a good replacement for Fast Lane. It is a cafe with products tailored for children and adults.

We tried Coffee & Co. Lounge on Deck 7. It was a wide open space, like a lobby, which made it peaceful. You could order coffee products and alcoholic drinks. The area contained the ship's information desk and a small store. There was also a vending machine for cheaper products but unfortunately, it was broken during our visit.

Lobby of MyStar
The lobby of MyStar was spacious. It was called Coffee & Co. Lounge.
Piano in the lobby
There was a piano in the lobby. No one was playing this time.


Located on Deck 7, we found the expansive Tallink Superstore which is a haven for shoppers.

Superstore sign
This sign will lead to a shopping paradise.

With its wide selection of products, ranging from cosmetics and clothes to alcohol, cigarettes, and candies, there was something for everyone in Superstore. What sets the store apart is its affordable prices, making it a budget-friendly option compared to shopping in Finland. We think Tallink Superstore is the perfect place to satiate your shopping desires.

Cosmetics deparment
First, there were cosmetics in the store.
Clothes deparment
Then there was a department selling brand clothes.

We spent more than an hour in the Superstore and bought discounted brand clothes and tasty Finnish chocolate. The shopping experience was pleasant because the store was spacious, the selection was good and the cashiers were working fast.

Alcoholic drinks
Superstore sold also many alcoholic drinks.
We liked that the Superstore was spacious and the selection was good.


Discerning business and quality-conscious travellers will appreciate the convenience and luxury of the paid lounge available on the ferry.

  • Comfort Lounge
  • Business Lounge
  • Platinum Lounge

We did not visit them ourselves but we share here the basic facts of them. As frequent visitors of airport lounges, we believe that these exclusive spaces greatly enhance the travel experience by providing a heightened level of comfort and convenience.

The lounges are exclusive areas with additional amenities and services. Access to these premium spaces requires payment.

Comfort Lounge is not only the most affordable lounge option, priced at just 25 euros, but it also provides a serene and peaceful atmosphere. The exclusive area offers plenty of comfortable seating options and boasts a nice sea view. As a bonus, it provides complimentary snacks and a variety of non-alcoholic beverages. So, not only will you be able to relax in a quiet environment, but you can also enjoy some refreshments without any additional cost.

Entrance to Comfort Lounge
The entrance to Comfort Lounge is on Deck 7.

Business Lounge is more expensive costing about 65 euros. Since it is more expensive, it is also more peaceful. The lounge offers the same services as Comfort Lounge, but in addition, warm food and alcoholic drinks are available.

Entrance to Business Lounge
The entrance to the Business Lounge is on Deck 7.

Platinum Lounge on the Tallink MyStar ferry offers a new and exclusive experience for travellers between. Unlike Comfort Lounge or Business Lounge, Platinum Lounge provides a private space with six seats, personal service from a butler, and the option to order food and drinks from any restaurant on board. The ticket also includes the convenience of shopping without leaving the lounge and a priority car parking spot for those travelling by car. However, this luxury comes for 500 euros per direction.

Other Services

MyStar had a few other nice and useful services:

  • Car Park for cruise travellers
  • Kid's Area for families
  • Slot machines for gambling
  • Driver's Lounge for bus and truck drivers
  • Sauna for relaxation
  • Sitting Lounge for commuters

Especially, Sitting Lounge is practical for commuters between Tallinn and Helsinki. You can just sit in a quiet area watching movies or have a quiet rest. Frequent travellers may not want to enjoy the ferry's service but just to relax.


MyStar is a modern ferry transporting cargo and passengers between Helsinki and Tallinn. With its excellent amenities and the price-to-quality ratio is good, we rate MyStar as a 5-star ferry. It is a comfortable way to travel between these two cities.

MyStar has plenty of services for business travellers, leisure travellers and commuters. You can eat, drink and enjoy the nice sea views. The shopping options are excellent. It is easy to spend a day on MyStar without getting bored.


Keeping in mind that MyStar is almost like a small luxury cruise ship, the tickets are surprisingly affordable. Oneway tickets cost from 20 to 50 euros. If you return on the same date, you will get a big discount.

We advise you to maximize your savings and convenience by booking the extra services along with your ticket. Not only are they often more affordable when bundled together, but you also eliminate the need to purchase them individually onboard.

Where to Book

When it comes to booking tickets, you have two good options: the Tallink website or Ferryscanner. Our recommendation is to book through Ferryscanner, as it allows you to compare prices and see the prices offered by competitors. This gives you the advantage of making an informed decision.

MyStar Lobby
The main lobby of MyStar is comfortable and spacious

Other Ferries to Tallinn

Tallink has two other ferries sailing to Tallinn. They are a little older but still of good quality. MyStar is the newest one and probably the best.

Viking Line and Eckerö Line also operate ferries to Tallinn from Helsinki. They are quite similar to Tallink's ferries but older. They tend to be a little cheaper so if you wish to save, check competitors' prices too. That is practical on Ferryscanner.

Common Questions

When was m/s MyStar built? 
The ferry was built in 2022.
What services does MyStar offer 
There are cafes, bars, restaurants, shops and much more on board.
Can I take a car on MyStar? 
Yes, you can.
Is there a sauna on MyStar? 
Yes, there is.
Is there a buffet on MyStar? 
Yes, there is a Delight Buffet.
Are the many shops on MyStar? 
There is a big Superstore selling clothes, cosmetics sweets and alcohol. There is also a smaller store in the lobby.
Where to book a ticket to MyStar? 
We recommend booking on Ferryscanner.
Is there a sundeck on MyStar? 
Yes, there is. The outer deck is comfortable only in the summertime.

Bottom line

Port of Helsinki is one of the busiest in the world. A lot of cargo and passengers travel to Tallinn every day and back. The route is popular with commuters, travellers and just for cruise passengers.

MyStar is the newest ferry. It is modern and comfortable. Booking a ticket on MyStar is an excellent choice and we are sure you will enjoy your time on board.

Have you sailed already on MyStar? Did you like the ferry? Comment below.

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Destination: Finland, Estonia

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